Sunday 23 February 2014

UTUTU And Her Neibouring Villages

 IHECHIOWA:  Ututu Clan is bounded in the North by Ihechiowa Clan. Oral history tells us that the Ututu migration (which happened at the same time as the Ohafia and Abam migrations respectively) took place before the Ihechiowa people came to inhabit their present location.
However some Ihechiowa Villages notably Umuchiakuma still trace their history to Asaga Ohafia, and the similarity in language between the Clans attest to the fact that there is some strong connection between the ancestors of the two Clans. Also the maternal descents “Ikwu” made up of descents who can trace their maternal lineage from a particular woman are all evidences of the strong ties between the two Clans.

Sunday 16 February 2014

The TRADITIONAL Ceremonies In UTUTU Land

It is a debt that every society owes posterity, to research and document their culture in order to avail future generation the opportunity to appreciate the cultural traits as practiced by their forbears. Ututu people are known throughout Igboland for their rich and diverse traditional ceremonies and this chapter is my humble attempt to shed some light on this buoyant cultural heritage of the people. Ututu people chronicle the months of the year by different traditional ceremonies, and because the people are farmers, these festivals are also in consonance with the people's agricultural cycle.

Friday 14 February 2014


The purpose of this chapter is to examine exhaustively the life of the Ututu people before contact was made with the white-people at the beginning of the 20th century. A convenient point to begin this scrutiny is the method of acquisition of land; this is because land was the single most important property that determined the status of an Ututu man in the pre-colonial days.
There are two categories of land in Ututu; i.e.
(a) Residential lands.
                     (b) Farm lands.

Sunday 19 January 2014

A Review Of The TRADITIONAL Administration In UTUTU

In order to survive, men must organize themselves into groups and subgroups. And in order to keep the group functioning well, men must learn to co-operate. They must try to avoid violent, ruthless struggles for wealth and power in favour of peaceful competition, and they must make and enforce rules to prevent "anti­social behaviours from disrupting the group. A well organized community is simply the practicalization of methods that various people have devised to create and maintain collective orderliness and security.

Saturday 11 January 2014

The Comprehensive Histotry Of Ututu People

Ututu is a peaceful community located in Arochukwu Local Government Area of Abia State of Nigeria. It shares a common boundry between Aro and Ihechiowa in Abia State.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Villages In Ututu And Their Postcodes

Ukwuakwu, Ututu, Arochukwu, Abia: 442102

  • Title : Ukwuakwu, Ututu, Arochukwu, Abia
  • City : Ukwuakwu
  • Region 3 : Ututu
  • Region 2 : Arochukwu
  • Region 1 : Abia
  • Country : Nigeria (NG)
  • Postcode (ZIP) : 442102

About Ututu People

Ututu people are a group of people inhabiting Ututu Clan in Arochukwu L. G A. of Abia State. The original boundaries of Ututu are - in the east by the Cross River and Isu Clan, in the South by Enyong and Itu Rivers / Creeks, in the North by Ihechiowa Clan and in the West by Arochukwu Clan and Nkana River / Iwerre Clan.