IHECHIOWA: Ututu Clan is bounded in the North by
Ihechiowa Clan. Oral history tells us that the Ututu migration (which happened
at the same time as the Ohafia and Abam migrations respectively) took place
before the Ihechiowa people came to inhabit their present location.
However some Ihechiowa Villages
notably Umuchiakuma still trace their history to Asaga Ohafia, and the
similarity in language between the Clans attest to the fact that there is some
strong connection between the ancestors of the two Clans. Also the maternal
descents “Ikwu” made up of descents who can trace their maternal lineage from a
particular woman are all evidences of the strong ties between the two Clans.
As earlier stated in the enunciation
of the origin of Ututu people. The second son of Otutu Ezema known as Koko Ukwu
first settled in a place called Ujara near the present Obinto Village
in Ihechiowa. This settlement is known to have existed long before
the Ihechiowa Villages surrounding it
came into existence. All these facts are further evidence of the strong ties
between Ututu and Ihechiowa communities.
Even though stories abound concerning
constant skirmishes between the two communities during the early stages of
their migration to this part of Igboland, the relationship between them in
recent times has been a most congenial one. With their almost similar Igbo
dialect the two Clans consider themselves as brothers. Sometimes we do hear
stories about Ihechiowa parents disagreeing to the marriage of their wards in
Ututu on the ground that they will be maltreated, but this attitude did not
prevent constant marriages between the two Clans.
Whatever distrust that may have
existed between the two Clans in the olden days did not prevent them from
maintaining a common front especially when the issue is politics, and there
seem to be a much better relationship existing between the educated class in
the two Clans.
ISU: Lying south-east of Ututu is another
Igbo speaking Clan called Isu. The history of this Clan is obscure, even though
some of them claim common lineage with the neighbouring Clan of Arochukwu. Even
at that the language of the Isu people is the same as that of Ututu, this
common dialect may have been the result of the close proximity between the two
communities. Whatever may be their origin the people of Isu have remained
peaceful neighbours with their Ututu counterparts.
AROCHUKWU: In the south of Ututu lies the town
of Arochukwu.
"Arochukwu Kingdom is centuries old and has enormous history behind her, the
three Kindreds in Arochukwu namely; Okennachi, Ibom Isii and Ezeagwu, have
exemplified one of the best cohesive and progressive coexistence ever known in
the history of Igboland”. So said Eze V .
O. Okoro, Eze Aro VIII on the occasion of a traditional reception given to him
by the people of Arochukwu on 26th
December, 1995.
In a Publication by Nzuko Arochukwu Nigeria dated 26/12/95 the editor had
this to say concerning the Inter-group Relations between the Aro’s and their
neighbours. "Arochukwu has, over the centuries, maintained a high degree
of cordiality with the immediate Igbo and non Igbo neighbours of Ututu,
Ihechiowa, Isu, Ifo, Asang, Makor and Biase.
Indeed one of the versions of Aro origin claims that the
mother of Agwu, one of the major actors in the emergence of Igbo population and
dominance in the area, came from Ututu Clan. Much of Aro proverbs, idioms,
folklore and stories are connected with Aro relationship with these Igbo
neighbours, particularly the Ututu people".
This account go to show the
level of good neighbourliness between the Ututu and the Arochukwu people,
infact there is no record of war between the two communities.
The relationship is that of a farming
community which exchanged its farm products for European goods provided by the
Aro’s. The Aro’s themselves recognize Ututu as the real farmers which is why
the counting for Ikeji Aro is aligned to that of Ututu people known as
Also quoting from the Nzuko
Arochukwu Publication, the editor acknowledged this interdependence between the
two communities.
"The Ikeji (New Yam) festivals
were also occasions that brought different communities together in what used to
be Arochukwu district. By custom, the three Igbo communities celebrated their
IKEJI before Arochukwu. Again, it was spaced out in such a way that there was
no overlapping or clash... Ikeji Aro is still observed after those of their
neighbours. The older generations have resisted every pressure from the younger
ones to adjust the Ikeji calendar".
The origin of the Aro's is best given
by them, because they are a most eloquent and intelligent people. During the
reception marking his coronation in 1995, Mazi V. O. Okoro, Eze Aro VIII said "The
Eze Aro throne is many centuries old, the crown which has just been passed on
to me dates as far back as the fifteen century AD".
In a book “the Aro of South Eastern
Nigeria. 1650-1980. Prof. K. O. Dike and Prof. Felicia Ekejiuba digged into the
origin of the Aro’s. Also in the Notes and Reflections on a Vanishing
Civilization the author O.P. Kanu presented and interesting revelation into the
origin of the Aros.
All these works are in agreement that
the Aro's are of Igbo/lbibio Origin, but some accounts of the period of
migration dates back to a period when the other Igbo communities such as Abam,
Ututu etc. who came to their present abode long before the Aro’s had not yet
migrated to their present place
A distinctive aspect of the lives of
the Aro’s is their believe in Chukwu, who is accessed through the people's
oracle Ibiniukpabi or Long Juju. The artistic shrine contained a long metal
tunnel and pipe through which the god communicated to the people: The long-juju
was believed to possess great supernatural power that enabled it to have
knowledge of everything.
The Chief Priest and the shrine agents
controlled a number of other agents who traveled far and wide looking for
dispute that would be referred to the Oracle for settlement. They would
intelligently get all the hard facts concerning the disputes before persuading
the disputants to consult the juju for settlement.
When the disputants finally arrive the
shrine of the Oracle and make their cases, both parties are separately made to
come inside the Oracle's chambers. The long-juju would then devour the guilty
party whose blood flows out through a small stream, while the winners would go
home to break the story. But the subterfuge didn't last forever since the
guilty parties were sold into slavery and the blood that was seen was that of a
As a result of its popularity the
long-juju was widely consulted throughout the Igbo and Ibibio Communities and
the routes that agents of the Oracle transversed have remained trade routes of
the Aro's till present. Thus we have the Aro Uno-who are the Aro's living at
home, and the Aro Uzo-who are the Aro's living in the various settlements where
the Aro's have established homes in other communities.
In 1901/02 the Arochukwu expedition
took place, the result of which was the destruction of the shrine of
Ibiniukpabi by the British Government. Exhibiting their high intelligence as
always they quickly embraced the colonial masters. Today the Aro’s are regarded
as the elites of Igboland.
Unlike Ihechiowa and Isu, there is
very little marital relationship between Ututu and Arochukwu. In the olden days
Ututu people patronized the Aro's as clients. Young men who committed
abominable acts were sold to the Aro’s as slaves whereas when slaves were
needed for rituals and sacrifices in Ututu, it was the Aro’s who sold the
slaves to them.
Despite their uncontested
intelligence, the Aro’s are sometimes described as a most trickish people and
are known to have cheated and exploited the Ututu people when they came to sell
their farm-produce. They will offer them very bad prices, realizing that the
Ututu people needed to buy European articles in exchange. At the end of the
market day instead of carrying home their farm produce, they would accept the
menial prices offered by the Aro’s.
It was principally to eradicate this
exploitation that an age-grade in Ututu by name UKE JISIKE jointly purchased a
lorry with which they transported the produce of Ututu farmers to markets in
Ohafia, Bende, Uzuakoli, Umuahia etc. where they received better prices than
what the Aro's offered. The Ututu people nevertheless have remained very good
neighbours with the Aro’s.
UKWA: North-east of Ututu lies the Efik
speaking Clan of Ukwa. The Ukwa Clan also known as Mbiabong consists of six
small Villages. The people of Ukwa came from Ibibio-Iand as fishermen to settle
at a place called Mbiabong near the OBASI UTUTU shrine along the Cross River
North-east of Ututu, which is also the boundary of Ututu Clan with Umon people
on the opposite bank.
On their arrival at about 1862 into
the area for fishing purposes, these fishermen met Ututu people living in their
plantation. The strangers asked for permission to settle down there to fish.
They brought with them goats, fowls, wine and kolanut to the Plantationers. The
permission to settle down there to fish was granted by Amaeke and Amodu people
principally because the approach was cordial and polite and because their
settlement there would keep the place free from possible infiltrators.
After granting their request, they
said "Ndewo" meaning “Thank you” to the landlords. These words now
spelt "Ndi Owo" became significant and recognized the place of
settlement of this first group of fishermen as Ndi Owo Village.
Later on these first fishermen were
joined by other groups of Ibibio from Eche and Umon and they were settled in
different places accordingly. These are:
1. Ndi Owo Village or Group
2. Ikisi Village
or Group
3. Ikot Eruong
Village or Group
4. Ifo Village
or Group
5. Akanobio Village
or Group
6. Nkpani Village
or Group.
Each of the above group was permitted
to fish in the river as well as to settle. They promised to remain loyal and
friendly with the Ututu landlords. They also paid tribute to the people of
Ututu in the early years of their settlement. In return Ututu people had to
protect and defend them in any attacks from outside. In addition to payments of
tributes and loyalty by the people of the six Villages above mentioned. The
Nkpani people in particular were made to cross the OBASI UTUTU shrine for
purposes of sacrifice. This practice persisted till the end of the Nigerian
Civil War.
Some years after the settlement, the
Ukwa people came under constant war raids with Biakpan people, a more war like
group. The repeated aggressive actions of the Biakpan people against Ukwa
people were several times halted by Ututu people, on the grounds that Ukwa
people were their tenants. At last a lasting peace was arranged and affected by
Mazi Isieke Mgbafor of Ndi-Abor and Mazi Kalu Ibom of Ndi-Aja both of Amaeke
Ututu and their people ten years before the coming of Europeans into this area
in 1901/02, after which a boundary was fixed between Biakpan and Ukwa by Ututu
people with Ukwa still living in Ututu land.
ITO: South-East of Ututu also inhabits
another Efik speaking people called Ito. The Iton people now called Ito came
from Ikot-Ekpene area to Ututu to buy food from Ututu people. They were also
slave dealers. A cordial relationship ensued between Iton people and Ututu
ancestors. The Iton Head Chief named Ndom Essien Oror with his men came to
Ututu and asked for a piece of land to settle near the Cross River
creeks for fishing and hunting purposes.
Ututu granted them a portion of land
to settle and to fish along the creeks of the Cross River.
The Iton first settlement was called Obot Ndang Inyang, which means fishing
settlement. The Iton ancestors from Obot Ndang Inyang came with sheep, fowls,
and goats to Ututu ancestors to set up a market and fix a day for it. Ututu
agreed and sent their representatives Obiene and Umunna Isii to meet them and
grant their request.
Both met at a certain place
near Obot Ndang Inyang settlement. They cleared the area and made sacrifices
with sheeps and goats whose heads were buried there. They drank the wine
provided and called the place "Otita Arunsi" which Iton people
translated as "Uta Mbian" and opened a market there. The market place
known as Uta Mbian is now known and called “Uta Mbara Market".
THE ABATUM OF ENYONG: The ancestors of this Efik
speaking people came from Calabar area as traders, having got the permission
from Iton people, settled along the Cross
River banks. They
remained there as fishermen and also dealers in slaves from Arochukwu to
Calabar. They also shipped food from Ututu to their hometown. With the help of
Iton people the Abatum ancestors met Ututu people and requested for another
market to be opened. The Ututu ancestors agreed and Obiene and Umunna Isii were
sent to meet them to conclude arrangement if the Abatum ancestors would do as
the Iton people had done. They brought goats, sheep, fowls and wine, and
another market was opened at a place called “ETA” which Iton people interpreted
as "Ntan". Since the coming of the Europeans, the Iton people are
known and called Ito and the "Ntan" market in now called Atan Market.
IDERE: The Idere ancestors originally came
from Idoro Ikot Enyong. They crossed a creek and settled at a place called
"Edak Inyang Creek" as fishermen without permission from Iton and
Ututu. Iton sent a report to Ututu and the Ututu ancestors sent their best
fighters with their leader Isiama who joined the Iton. A tribal war began and
Idere people were driven out of the creek. Eventually Idere made peace with
Ito. They were permitted to live at a place called Atabiri with the condition
of paying tribute, when they failed, a second war broke out. Isiama and his
warriors set up their fighting Juju which they called "ogwu di nso"
which is still intact till present.
It is of recent because of the
Europeans that Idere was granted permission to fish in the creeks and rivers at
about 1908 and there have been peace between the settlers and Ututu people.
Before any person from Ito was made
Chief Ututu must be present. The following Chiefs enjoyed the blessings of the
Ututu landlords.
1. Ndo Essien Oror
2. Udo
3. Nturukun
4. Abita Aria
5. Akpan Akpan.
Throughout the reign of the
above Chiefs, there was no boundary problem between Ututu and Ito. Ututu have
several extended Villages in this area. Since 1901, Enyong, Ito, Idere have
been under Arochukwu Division with one
District Officer and one Native Court at
Arochukwu. At about 1905 the whole Division opened Arochukwu-Itu Road to help their
neighbours in Enyong, Ito and Idere. As there were no payment of rates and
taxes in those days, the road was jointly maintained by the entire division.
About 1920, Enyong, Ito and Idere because of
long distance of ten miles from Arochukwu asked for a Native Court to be built at Atan. The Atan Onoyom Native Court
was built with Chief Onoyom Nya as its President. In 1944 the Arochukwu - Itu Road was
reconstructed through communal effort by the whole of Arochukwu division.
These Efik speaking people started some agitation of
going back to their original home across the River to join their Kiths and Kin
(in the former South-Eastern
State) now Cross River
State immediately after
the war. These agitations made them uneasy in Arochukwu Division. As there are
no natural or artificial boundaries between these agitators (the Efiks) and
their Igbo landlords. It is considered a great injustice to the Division and
Clans if any part of the land they the Efiks are occupying as tenants is
granted to them by the Boundary Delimitation Commission, if they are allowed to
secede from Arochukwu Division to join their Kiths and Kin in the Cross River
This tricky and sensitive issue is
principally responsible for the boundary problems that have become rampant
among these border Communities.
Very informative write-up.