Ututu is a peaceful community located in Arochukwu Local Government Area of Abia State of Nigeria. It shares a common boundry between Aro and Ihechiowa in Abia State.
The geographical area known
as Ututu described above is named after the founder of the Clan Mazi Otutu
Ezema. The original patriarch was Atita Akpo a notable warrior of the Oba of
Benin during the 15th century. Atita Akpo is said to have fled the Bini kingdom
along with his followers. Oral history has it that they first tried to settle
in Ogoni land of Indoni and Andoni. Having spent
considerable length of time in both places, but eventually serious war erupted
between the newcomers and their Ogoni landlords, as a result of which they left
Ogoni land. How long the Atita group spent in Ogoni land before proceeding to
Isieke Ibeku is still the subject of imminent research.
At Isieke Ibeku, their new
place of abode. Nna Atita Akpo the
Leader having long died. It was Ezema Atita his son who assumed leadership of
the group. Again how long the Atita group spent in Ibeku, is still a matter of
conjecture. However it was from this new abode that the three sons of Ezema
Atita namely; Uduma, Onyerubi and Otutu left to establish the Clans of Ohafia,
Abam and Ututu respectively. Another son of Ezema Atita namely Lokpa also
established the Clan of Lokpanta.
The biggest challenge in
writing the history of Ututu is to give a chronology of the migration from the
time Atita Akpo fled the Bini
Kingdom to the time Otutu
Ezema arrived Amaeke Ututu. It is pertinent that Otutu Ezema the son of Ezema
Atita arrived Ututu with a group of people of whom he was their leader. These
areas was sparsely inhabited by the Ibibios, so their first task was to subdue
the Ibibios and chase them out of what eventually will be the Ututu ridge. This
task they undertook with renewed vigor, but a certain hunter and his son
strayed into this area, whose manner impressed the warriors, so that instead of
dealing with them as they did to the Ibibios they met, the man's courage and
intelligence really endeared him to the warriors, and he was left unharmed,
which was an unusual occurrence in those days considering the fact that people
were not as humane and civilized as they are today.
The name of this hunter was
Cheke Ukwu, and his son was called Nzerem. Recognizing the Security Advantage
to be derived from this powerful group of warriors Cheke Ukwu and his son
pleaded that they should be allowed to stay under the protection of Otutu Ezema
and his group. Even though their request was granted, it was on the condition
that they will not reside in the geographical area called Amaeke, which was
exclusively reserved for Otutu Ezema and his group, and the name itself was
derived from Amaeke-Ibeku the former home of Ezema Atita the father of Otutu
The first significant
action that Otutu Ezema took after the decision to reside in this area was to
plant his Hearth Stone (Nkuma Etiti-Ogo) as the Centre of his domain. When in
future other Villages will spring up, each new Village will follow his example
and establish its own hearthstone (Nkuma Etiti-Ogo), but the hearthstone of Amaeke Village
remains the common property of the entire Ututu Clan.
As already stated the
initial period of the settlement of Otutu Ezema and his followers in Amaeke
Ututu was a very turbulent one, as the Ibibios continued to make incursions
into his domain. So that if these incursions were to end, serious Security
Arrangements had to be put in place as deterrence. Already after sparring the
lives of Cheke Ukwu and his son Nzerem, they were commissioned to reside in a
strategic area within the Ututu ridge to act as spies in case of attacks by the
At this time, they was another group of people
who originally was of the Ekoi tribe, this group made their living as
mercenaries touring the Igbo and Ibibio hinterlands in search of clients. They
were known as the AKPA. Initially they were patronized by Otutu Ezema on temporary
basis, but the association became so successful in checking intruders into the
Ututu ridge that Otutu Ezema decided to make the relationship a permanent one.
In the intelligent report
on the origin of Ututu people, Compiled Mr. R. Newton in 1932. Chief Kalu Ifere of Obiagwulu
Ututu (an Akpa village) had this to say concerning their abode. "When
Okennachi lived in Utughugwu Aro. Ezenama lived in Ututu. Both of them had
trouble with the Ibibio. When we (Akpa) came to Ututu the first man we met was
Ezenama. The people of Abuma were also hired as soldiers but the Ibibio chased
them back to Omuma in Ohafia. Okennachi and Ezenama combined. They met at
Ugwuakuma and divided into two parts in case the Ibibio should come back. They
tied palm leaves on themselves so that they should be recognized. Ezenama gave
white cloth, a ram and a white fowl to 16 Akpa as a sign that they should live
near him and that he accepted them. We lived first at Abuma but later on
Ezenama wanted us to live nearer to Amaeke."
While this dramatic account
of the Chief might not entirely be the truth, for instance there is no
historical evidence that Otutu Ezema (Ezenama in the account) lived at the same
period with Okennachi, one of the founders of Arochukwu. Also there is no
evidence that Abuma (Cheke Ukwu and his son Nzerem) were chased to Ohafia as
the Chief narrated, but the account does give an insight on the manner that
Otutu Ezema admitted the AKPA into the Ututu Confederacy.
The word Confederacy
is a convenient term to describe the first set of people to be known as Ututu
people. Of course the name Ututu is derived from
Otutu Ezema who was the leader of the group that first occupied
Amaeke-Ututu where his hearthstone was placed. The second group of people was
Cheke Ukwu and his son Nzerem who eventually were to be known and called Abuma Ututu. The third group was the AKPA
mercenaries that will give birth to a number of other Villages in Ututu, and
the fourth is an obscure Village called Ohomja. This last group had
independently come to the Ututu ridge from Itumbuzor area, but exploited the
security advantage to be derived by aligning themselves to the Otutu Ezema
group and thereafter became part of the confederacy.
instrument that these four groups of people had in common was the Offor, which
Otutu Ezema had inherited from his father Ezema Atita now known as Offor Otutu
in his new settlement. This instrument was largely responsible for keeping
intruders out of the Ututu ridge. Like the “Ark of Convenant”, which the
Israelites carried to battle zones, the Offor Ututu accompanied the Ututu
warriors in all major skirmishes with the Ibibios, and moreso gave them
A few decades after Otutu
Ezema and his group arrived Ututu, they were now so consolidated in their new
home and began the onerous task of governance to ensure the reign of law and
order. Before going to the establishment of Government in Ututu, it is relevant
to know some more details about the patriarch Otutu Ezema.
Oral History tells us that
this man had many wives and children, but only two of his sons deserve special
mention for the purpose of this discourse. These sons are; his first son Akuma
Ukwu and his second son Koko Ukwu. Whether both of them came from the same or
different mothers is of no importance. Again it is necessary to have an idea of
the time that the Ututu migration took place. The intelligence Report by the
Assistant District Officer, Aro had this to say; "A good deal of
information was obtained by means of stories, legends, family histories and
pedigrees, and the history of Ututu can be written with a good chance of accuracy even in details, the general outline
is certainly correct...
Mr. Mathews, the Government
anthropologist, states in his report that the founding of the Aro. Confederacy
took place between 150-160 years ago.
The Ututu however, say that
they arrived in their present country before the AKPA came from over the
Cross-River, that they had trouble with the scattered bands of Ibibio who were
living on what is now the Ututu ridge and that a party of their soldiers were
driven back to the Northward by the Ibibio, when the AKPA came the Ututu took
advantage of the war to drive out the Ibibio…
Mr. Mathew's method of
finding the rough date of the AKPA invasion
by means of counting the generations from leaders of the invasion was followed
in the present case. The most detailed and carefully compiled pedigrees go back
some nine, ten or eleven generations. Every effort was made to make certain
that collateral relations were
not included in the time of descent.
Thus it seems the Ututu
migration took place between 180-200 years ago. It was certainly gradual and
that may account for discrepancies of pedigree. The care with which these
pedigrees were kept illustrates the statement of Mr. D. A. F. Shute District
Officer, Aro who wrote that "descent from an ancestor who brought his
people into new lands is more likely to be remembered than descent from an ancestor who just lived
and died where he was born”.
Let us come
back to the two known sons of Otutu Ezema, as their activities are of great
significance in the establishment of Traditional Government in Ututu. The first
son Akuma Ukwu lived with his father at Amaeke Ututu until when he was old
enough to establish his own home. This residence of Mazi Otutu Ezema is known
as Ihu-Izu, the most sacred spot in Ututu. But Akuma Ukwu went to another part
of the Village where the founded his own compound, this compound is called till
this day - Ndi Eziakuma Compound.
The second son Koko Ukwu
did not reach the Ututu ridge with his father, instead he settled Northward in
an area called Ujara. By this period oral history tells us that the Ihechiowas
did not reside in their present abode. Isii Koko who was Koko Ukwu's son also
resided in Ujara like his father throughout his lifetime. It was to ensure
peaceful existence in this area that Koko Ukwu established the deity of
This Eze Ututu as he was rightly referred to
was the one who established the seven stones on which members of AKPA ASAA
derive their power.
I'm very impressed with this detailed analysis. A lot more work however has to be done to preserve our identity. I've always been proud when my father set out time to trace the history of our people to us (that is, the much that he knows). Kudos Mr. Okeke
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely brilliant. Thank you Sir.
ReplyDeleteThis is fabulous and impressive.
DeleteWish my father was alive to tell me more about our kingdom.
Continue to rest in peace chief Kalu ifere (grandfather)
God bless you sir for publishing this.
Enter your comment...please what are the various communities in ututu
ReplyDeleteThank you for this historic piece
ReplyDeleteThis is wonderful.
ReplyDeleteGain proficiency with another ability each time you play the game and attempt to utilize it while going on a test in order to ace the demonstration and make it a magnum opus when you truly need to use it.
O am impressed I didn't even know anything about our history I will save this and show my kids
ReplyDeleteI'm so so happy to know and to hear the history of ututu kingdom! THANKS YOU SO MUCH FOR PUBLISHING!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this information, pls any history of amodu connecting to ututu,and their believes over their sons been burial right out
ReplyDeletedo we have agwu, and this settlement of Chi.... in ututu
ReplyDeleteWow very impressive
ReplyDeletePlease can u discuss one major indigenous story from Amaeke Ututu. and lessons derived